Jarfa Fayre Procession
Jarfa Fayre Procession

figures in procession at the Jarfa fayre
from the colour e-book edition of my novel
‘Lydia's Golden Drum’ (published 2013)

(left to right)
banner-bearer with ‘my signature’ flag,
acrobat with ‘ice-cream sundae’ hair (!)
soda pop bottle juggler

Spyssi Tiger
Spyssi Tiger

Jarfa Fayre Procession

figures in procession at the Jarfa fayre
from the colour e-book edition of my novel
‘Lydia's Golden Drum’ (published 2013)

(left to right)
banner-bearer with ‘my signature’ flag,
acrobat with ‘ice-cream sundae’ hair (!)
soda pop bottle juggler

Spyssi Tiger
Spyssi Tiger