'The Parsalli Show'
'The Parsalli Show'

a fairground pantomime scene from my
children’s novel ‘Lydia’s Golden Drum’
that drew its inspiration from Stravinsky’s
Shrovetide fair ballet ‘Petrushka’

(from left to right)
Sumak the veggi-demon,
Solayla the sun-spirit,
prince Parsalli the clown

dragon dancer
dragon dancer

'The Parsalli Show'

a fairground pantomime scene from my
children’s novel ‘Lydia’s Golden Drum’
that drew its inspiration from Stravinsky’s
Shrovetide fair ballet ‘Petrushka’

(from left to right)
Sumak the veggi-demon,
Solayla the sun-spirit,
prince Parsalli the clown

dragon dancer
dragon dancer