A mad tea party
A mad tea party

‘The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party’

large-scale ‘party piece’ depicting an
assortment of characters from Lewis Carroll’s
‘Alice in Wonderland’ ~ used on teapots,
biscuit tins, plates and trays …

one of many illustrations for a
range of tableware commissioned
by Whittard of Chelsea

(A2 ink and watercolour, 2005)

A mad tea party

‘The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party’

large-scale ‘party piece’ depicting an
assortment of characters from Lewis Carroll’s
‘Alice in Wonderland’ ~ used on teapots,
biscuit tins, plates and trays …

one of many illustrations for a
range of tableware commissioned
by Whittard of Chelsea

(A2 ink and watercolour, 2005)